Welcome to the coffee section of Dolce and Vita!

Here's where I present my coffee equipment at home, review coffees, and share recipes for coffee beverages.

This page was last updated on 17, June 2023.

Table of contents

1. Me and Coffee
2. My Coffee Equipment
3. Coffee Introduction and reviews
4. Recipes

Me and Coffee

My story with coffee probably isn't an exciting one, but it's surprisingly storied. I remember taking a sip of my mom's General Foods International Coffee at 8 years old. Naturally, as a kid, I didn't care for it. And I never drank it again.

And then I got a job at Starbucks during my college days. And obviously I wanted to know the products. So for many years I was basically a Starbucks only-person (hard cringe).

But then I moved to Chicago, stopped working at Starbucks, and discovered different roasters - especially Metropolis. To this day, they're one of my favorite coffee brands.

Since then, as I've traveled across the country, I've found some of my favorite coffees, which you'll find below.