台湾遊戯 (last updated on|最近更新日: 23.4.23)

Welcome to the Taiwanese Game Museum! Here you'll find information on the history of Taiwanese gaming, popular games, and the companies that released them!

So basically, the reason I made this website was to have a centralized place to talk about Taiwanese video games. I'll probably turn it into a wiki at some point but hey. For now it'll just be a website.

On this website you'll find:

So with that out of the way...hi!


In January of 2023, I went to Taiwan for the first time, and for a good 3 weeks afterward would not shut up about it. :P One of the things that interested me was the video game culture, which shares similarities with the gaming cultures of Mainland China, Japan, and South Korea, but has its own unique sense and sensibility.

Captivated, I set out to learn as much as I could about Taiwnese video games and their history...

...and quickly found out there's not a lot of information, and certainly most of it wasn't in English.

Hopefully this website will change that a bit!


I think historical context is important when talking about the Taiwanese game scene, so here is my abbreviated version:

July 14, 1987. Taiwanese president Chiang Ching-kuo formally ratifies a declaration to the end of martial law in Taiwan. Previously unknown freedoms and options became available to the citizens of Taiwan, including the birth of the indigenous rights movement, the LGBTQ+ liberation movement, and even the rail travel fandom, who can all trace the abolition of martial law as a major milestone in their communities.

3 months later, in Japan, NEC would release the PC Engine, kicking off the 4th generation of video games. In post-martial law Taiwan, the naescent (sp?) gaming industry looked to Japan as their initial model for aesthetics and gameplay, but a desire for more locally appealing games quickly took over.

One of the earliest and longest-running gaming companies in Taiwan,


and now the moment you've all been waiting for... where I present some games!

I'm sure this goes without saying, but this list isn't at all comprehensive, as much as I'd like it to be.

You'll find the following information on this list: